Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Something that came up due to a Christmas Eve service.

While Mary had physical evidence of what was happening, Joseph had to take it all on faith.

1.  Mary had an angle physically visit her (found in Luke); Joseph had an angel visit him in a dream (found in Matthew).

2.  Mary had a dialog with the angel, who also had a name - Gabriel (Luke tells this story); Joseph had no dialog, he just listened to an unnamed angel in the dream (found in Matthew).

3. Mary had the knowledge that she 'knew' no other man; Joseph had to take the word of the angel in the dream.

4. Who took the greater step in faith?

This is something to think about as one thinks about faith.  Is it easier to believe something that seems impossible when an angel appears and tells you about it or when you have a dream with an angel telling you something?

How about when you just take it by faith that God will do something for you?  Is that having even greater faith?

What do you think?