Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Matthew 5:27-37: Clean Thoughts

Jesus warns his disciples that even their thoughts can be a sin when the thoughts are about something that is inappropriate.  So what does this mean for us?  How often have we had unclean or inappropriate thoughts whether in anger or in lust or in thoughtless moments?  How can we avoid such thoughts that are considered sinful and harmful to us and our relationship with Jesus?

This may seem a lot to think about, but a contemplation worth our time.  I know that I need to consider what I think about so that I'm not offending God or impeding my developing relationship with our Lord.  So, how am I do do this?  Is it not at times of the most emotional time or when we are too idle that we seem to let our minds wondering and sometimes it wonders in directions that are not acceptable or appropriate?  If that is the case, then I need to watch myself at such times so I do not fall in a trap that will take my mind places it should not go.  I must remember that the enemy if roaming the world seeking those he can devour.

So, why does this seem to be a problem for us not only as Christians but as nonChristians?  Could it be because Satan is the god of this world, and he really is seeking those he can devour with sin and corrupted lives?  I know I do not want to be one of those he can devour - I want only one God in my life, and that is a God who has forgiven me and will help me to improve my life for the better.  With that knowledge, then I know that I must watch what I say and how I think because when I am not controlling my thoughts, it is easy for words to slip out of my mouth that should not be said.  I must monitor not only my thoughts but my words as well.  It is so easy to be influence the world and other around us that we can conform to what others say and do without realizing it, and that is what Jesus was warning his disciples about.

Jesus wants us to keep our hearts and minds pure and free of the world's - Satan's - influence; He wants to be our guide, our protector, our main focus, and why shouldn't He - let me never forget that He willingly suffered and laid down His life for me so that I may have salvation and the hope of heaven.

Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to die more me in the most horrific manner possible at that time.  Your death was the beginning of my life.

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