Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Finite Mind

I have just received a study book called "This I Know For Sure" by Babbie Mason.  Now there are very few things I dislike about bible studies, but the one that I have the most trouble with is that there is a lesson for every day of the week, and I seem to have a problem following that schedule.

I guess my problem is that I look at things from to many angles. This title, for instance, has me already pondering what I do really know for sure about God, and my first 'for sure' item is that God is the creator of . . . and then I found myself limiting Him be thinking 'the universe.'  I had to stop right there and begin to wonder if that is true or not.  Oh, not that He created the universe but if that is all He is the creator of.  Then I began to realize that we have very finite minds.  We think in what we know and can see, but how do I know that God did not create other things that I cannot see.  Why do I limit Him in that fashion?

This is not the only time I have realized how finite my mind is; the first time was when I started to think about the concept that 'God always was;' He has 'no beginning' and 'no end.'  What a concept, but one I cannot see.  This thought, I have to confess, occurred when I was very much younger, maybe 12 or 13.  I spend sometime thinking about the idea of having no beginning, which is hard, for you see, we are told everything had beginning, and even Genesis talks about the beginnings.  The beginning of the world, the beginning of the flora and fauna, and the beginning of man and woman, but it does not tell us how God began because He had no beginning.  Try to image that; God just was and will always be.  After much thought, I finally realized I just had to accept that fact as true and not try to figure out how it could be true.

Now I am asking myself, what else might God have created that man has no concept or knowledge of, and why do He just credit the universe to His creation.  How do we know what else there is that exists that we have not way of understanding because our minds are so finite.  The other side of that coin is asking myself if I really understand what infinite is, and if I can conceive of such an idea in relation to God.

Infinite is such a vast concept, that I am not sure if my mind will ever be able to wrap around everything that word encompasses. When I was much younger, I watched, for the first time, the movie "The Incredible Shrinking Man."  It was not until much later that I learned it was first a book by Richard Matheson.  When I finally found a copy of the book and read it, the main character, Scott Carey, talked about a time when he would shrinking into nothingness because his height was exponentially decreasing.  Now here is the interesting thing, when he mind realized he would be below one inch, he thought he would just cease to exist, but what he discovered was that, even though he continued to shrink, his existence was not measure in a way that he understood because he would never decrease in height to disappear, but would decrease in measure that man no longer recognize as measurable.  Is that not what happens with God when we think about his creation.  We only acknowledge what is recognizable to our minds and fail to think past that, so we, in actually, are limiting God because of our 'finite' minds.

So, what do I know for sure?  I know that God is the creator, but I will not limit what He has created because there is so much I still have to learn and recognize even if it is not in this life time.  Oh the questions that will be answered when I finally reach heaven, but then I wonder if I will understand all the answers I have been looking for.  Will my mind still be 'finite' or will I finally have an 'infinite' mind.

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